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Monday, November 7, 2011

Life of a Library Book: On the Shelf

Posted by Lorraine L.

Books have interesting lives in the library.  Some sit in one spot for a long time, others move around from place, and a few go on journeys across the building.   Keeping track of books while they are in the library is very important.  Each book has an address (the call number on it's spine) and that tells us where the book is supposed to live in the library.  When someone requests a book or comes in looking for a book, the library staff need to know exactly where to go to find it. We are constantly shelf reading (looking for books out of place) and straightening the shelves.  In addition, we add new books weekly and withdraw older titles to make room for new ones. Occasionally, we move entire sections to new places to make more efficient use of the shelf space we have.  We try very hard to keep track of books so that you can find what you need.

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