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Sunday, February 3, 2013

New Book Review: Man in the Empty Suit

Posted by Susan C.

In this literary fiction by Sean Ferrell (Numb) a time traveler gropes his way through a maze of clues and suspicions in an attempt to prevent an event happening, without creating a paradox in the slipstream of time. The traveler celebrates his 100th birthday every year by traveling to 2071 as a 39 year old man, to a party attended only by other versions of him, young and old. But this time, he sees his 40 year old self murdered. Without the cooperation of his Youngster or Elder selves he must solve the murder by his next birthday. He challenges the conventions of time travel to unravel what seems to be an impossible task. VERDICT: For readers willing to jump on for the ride, this fascinating novel is engaging and thought provoking, requiring  concentration and commitment. It will appeal to readers of Stephen King’s 11/22/63.

To request this title, click here. 

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