There is something enticing about lists of The Best Whatevers. If it's a best list for books, you can be sure it will interest readers. In a previous post, I started a series about classic recommendations; here, I'm providing a list for some non-classic genres.
1001 Children's Books You Must Read Before You Grow Up edited by Julia Eccleshare. How long has it been since you're read a children's book? If you have kids, maybe just last night. Otherwise, it may have been anywhere from years to decades. If it's been a while, you're missing out on some great books. Not only are they quick reads, they are funny, beautiful and easy to understand. There is something for everyone in this large collection. Highly recommended.
100 Must Reads for Men by Stephen Andrews and Duncan Bowls. In the words of the authors, "We have sought to recommend 100 excellent books that we believe the majority of contemporary men will probably enjoy and relate to". They have purposefully excluded classics (everyone knows about those) and science fiction (covered in another books). What's left? A lot of really good reads - for men and women to enjoy.
100 Must Read Historical Novels by Nick Rennison. The author has selected books that, to him, clearly define a period of history. He has also used what he calls the 60 year rule: authors must have written a novel at least that many years after the historical events described. The books include some classics and best sellers, but there are a lot of under-appreciated titles as well.

1000 Comic Books You Must Read by Tony Isabella. If you were the type of kid who was devoted to comics, or just want to catch up now, this is a great resource. The author has been in the comics industry for many years and has chosen titles from Captain America to Caspar the Ghost, nicely arranged by decade.
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