How long have you worked at the library? About 3 weeks
How many items do you have checked out right now? Way too many!
How many items are on your hold list? At least 10

What book can you read again and again without losing interest? Why do you still read it? Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It’s a classic that has wonderful characters and a great story. And Mr. Darcy of course!
What is your favorite book format (book, audio, mp3, e-reader, etc.)? My favorite format is the classic book.
What books do you feel guilty for not having read? Animal Farm and
1984. It seems like everyone read them in High School but I didn’t.
Have your reading habits changed since working at the library? If
so, how? I have definitely changed my
reading habits. I read constantly now and always have too many things
What is your perfect reading environment? I love to read outside when possible. There’s
nothing better than a good book on the beach.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what single genre of
books would you want with you? Fantasy
hands down. They are engaging and can be drastically different from each other.
I wouldn’t and couldn’t ever get bored.

Before you worked here, what was your worst library transgression?
My worst transgression would probably be keeping things way past their due
date. I renew my stuff a lot.
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