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Thursday, January 8, 2015

Musical Memoirs of 2014

Posted by Amanda E.

Books and music are two of my top five favorite things (a more generic statement has rarely been made). So, the following list really hits my sweet spot in interest value.  Some really fascinating musicians either wrote memoirs last year or had a biography published about them.   George Clinton of P-Funk fame? You know that guy has great stories. Paul Stanley of Kiss? That’s rock ‘n’ roll right there. DAVID BOWIE? One of the most interesting and talented characters in recent music.
Some of these books reveal the meanings behind your favorite lyrics.  Some let you vicariously experience the lavish lifestyle of the over-the-top musician.  Others expose the humanity behind the public figure.   2014 saw such a variety of musical biographies published that no matter what your musical genre of choice is, you should find something to enjoy. 
Here are a few that we purchased here at Edwardsville Public Library.  Did you read any musicians’ biographies last year that we don’t own? Leave your recommendations in the comments!


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