How long have you worked at the library? 2 Months
How many items do you have checked out right now? 11
How many items are on your hold list? 15
What book can you read again and again without losing interest? Why do you still read it? The Holy Bible because every time I open it I learn something new.
What aspects of the library do you think are underutilized? I would guess our digital selection through Hoopla, Zinio, or Cloud Library.
What is your favorite book format (book, audio, mp3, e-reader, etc.)? A book in my hand will always be my favorite but I do enjoy books on CD especially when it is the author reading the book.
What is your favorite aspect of working at the library? I love the atmosphere. I worked retail for a long time and I love how happy both employees and patrons are to be at the library.
What is your guilty reading (or listening) pleasure? A Steampunk mystery with a hint of romance.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what single genre of books would you want with you? Mystery
What was your favorite children’s book when you were a child? What is your favorite children’s book now? I loved the Choose Your Own Adventure books. My kids and I really enjoyed listening to the Land of Stories (Wishing Spell) by Chris Colfer on CD. We can’t wait for the next one!
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