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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Did you jubilate with your onomasticon yesterday?

Posted by Alana T.

January 18th was National Thesaurus Day.  Did you miss it?  Darn; there's always next year!

Gone are the days when everyone had a dictionary and thesaurus on the desk; that space is now utilized by the computer monitor.  Being a Luddite, I can't quite get used to looking for words online and prefer to use a now bedraggled copy I bought in High School (many years ago). For those of you who prefer the electronic method, there are a some good online resources available to you: is a good basic thesaurus.  Type in a word and you will recieve part of speech, definintion and synonyms.  A link is provided to the visual thesaurus website. Also available is the word of the day, a blog discussing "hot" words being used in the media, and a daily list of interesting synonyms; all fantastic ways to build and improve your vocabulary! is a word info site for kids.  There is a dictionary and thesaurus, as well as games to utilize spelling, comprehension and rhyming skills. is a fun way to learn about words.  The site provides visual maps with meanings and definitions forming relationships among related words.  This is a subscription site, but it does allow three free searches per visit. is another basic site.  Type in a word and you will be given part of speech, definition, synonyms, related words and antonyms.  This site is hosted by Encylopedia Britannica, but there are a few advertisements here and there.

If you want to try the old-fashioned method of looking for and browsing through words, we have a few thesauri available for check-out or reference.  Also, feel free to call the front desk - we are happy to look up words for you over the phone.

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