How many items do you have checked out right now? 5
How many items are on your hold list? 3

What is your favorite book format (book, audio, mp3, e-reader, etc.)? Book
What is your favorite aspect of working at the library? I love
getting book suggestions from patrons and coworkers. I also love story time
because children are so funny and I never know what they are going to say.
What books do you feel guilty for not having read? The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger, The Divergent Series by Veronica Roth, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Have your reading habits changed since working at the library? If
so, how?
They have changed because I used to only read novels, but I love
reading non-fiction, memoirs, and autobiographies now.
What is your perfect reading environment? I like to read in bed with a cup of hot tea.
I also love to read when it rains.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what single genre of
books would you want with you? I should
say survival books, but I honestly don’t know if that would help me or terrify
me. I would want humor because at least I would be able to laugh.

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