Fifteen of us accepted the Beat the Guilt Challenge in October to read a book that we felt guilty for not having read. We have hit the deadline for completing the challenge, and here are the results. Many of us finished the book that we picked and even those of us that didn't were glad that we tried!

Cannery Row by John Steinbeck. Read by Karen K.
It has been a while since I read a book by Steinbeck but I'm so happy I chose this one. I love his straight forward style and the way he can sum up a character's personality in a simple sentence. I have wanted to read this book since visiting the Monterey area. I'm grateful for the "push" to add it to my list of books I've read and loved. Next: The Moon is Down!

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Read by Allie L.
I am so glad I took this challenge! If I would have read this book in High School when I was supposed to I don't think I would have liked it as much as I do now!

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon. Read by Susan C.
I really like this book but at the same time I was really no liking it! It is a fascinating read. i had to learn how to read and understand the flow of the dialogue, which took concentration. Good plot! Quite the adventure mystery. I highly recommend this book!

Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens. Read by Cary H.
The famed author of A Christmas Carol -- bestseller of his day--Dickens writes with a great understanding of human nature and great humor. I laughed aloud on several occasions, which is rare for me. The humor is timeless and relateable. Despite all this I was 'fidgety' while reading, unable to keep my mind off the stack of current series novels I am enjoying. Alas, I did not finish the book, but I do recommend!

The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas. Read by Katherine R.
I found this book to be interesting though the writing got to be a bit tiring as it is very flowery. The plot is very fun and I found it amusing that at the slightest provocation a duel must be fought. I finished this book and am glad that I read it. The challenge gave me the little extra push that I needed to pick it up.

I'll be honest, I didn't finish the book. It was so dry I just could never get into it. The plot itself had the possibility of being great, but it was weighed down by a writing style I didn't mesh with. I would definitely recommend it to those who love classics and have read Sherlock from the beginning. It just wasn't my cup of tea.
I'm glad that I accepted the challenge and read The Kite Runner. What I liked best about the book was the depiction of Afghan culture and day to day life as the political situation moved from the fall of the monarchy to the Soviet invasion to the rise of the Taliban. Parts of the book are incredibly sad but ultimately it's a story of love and redemption.

Lady Chatterly's Lover by D.H. Lawrence. Read by Melissa P.
I want to preface this by stating that I love the idea of this. However, as I did not finish the first chapter, my guilt has quadrupled. Sigh.
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls. Read by Gerry B.
I am currently still reading Where the Red Fern Grows but I am so glad I finally started reading it! This book is very well done and I would recommend it to everyone who has not read it already. I am happy I accepted the challenge because it motivated me to read a book I have been meaning to read for a long time.
Juneteenth by Ralph Ellison. Read by Gwen B.
Unfortunately, I was not able to finish this book. I am glad that I attempted to read it because now I understand that I just don't comprehend the writing style of Ralph Ellison. If you enjoyed his first book then I would recommend reading this one.
Divergent by Veronica Roth. Read by Megan P.
I'm glad that I participated in this challenge. I had seen the movie and really liked it, but was worried about the book keeping my attention since I already saw the film. I would recommend this book to others.
Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. Read by Zach H.
For the longest time I had only seen the movie adaptation. I'm glad that I finally got around to reading it. I would definitely recommend the book to others. The amount of research that Crichton put into his writing is astounding.
Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder. Read by Sam O.
No, I have not finished the book yet, but I am glad that I chose to give it a second shot. I would definitely recommend this book to others. It's a fun and easy read. I am glad that I accepted the challenge because it gave me a reason to finally start reading the series again, and hopefully finish this time!
A young girl witnesses something beyond her
comprehension. She is a budding writer and invents a story to suit her
interpretation of what she saw. What she does not know is her story will set
forth a chain of events that will not only affect her life, but also those she
is closest to. The first half of the book is somewhat slow and, for me, did not
hold my attention for too long. The second half of the book was much easier to
read, things picked up and became more interesting. There is a moment where you
are faced with an entirely different perspective that throw things into a new
I am glad that I read this book and accepted the
challenge. I do not often read fiction, so it sparked and interest to explore
other genre.
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