Posted by David R.
Nietzsche’s previously lost manuscript had been mistreated editorially by
others, but the new Walter Kaufman translation sets the record straight about
Nietzsche’s fundamental concepts and ideas. More of a writer than a structured
philosopher, this volume shows Nietzsche working out his system of thought
through witty and stingingly sharp observations about religious belief,
individual will, and the nature of consciousness.
exploring the issues of animal rights and animal treatment by the human race,
Singer’s book seems to be uncompromisingly sentimental in its evaluation of the
West’s insistence upon animal mistreatment and the consumption of meat
products, but a majority of his points are (sadly) on target, and his trenchant
look into the viscera of factory farming is nearly unnerving. Singer’s thought
stems from the phenomenological viewpoints of Hegel and Marx, although his
impetus for writing the book came from an incident at college when a friend
asked the cafeteria lunch lady if the spaghetti had meat in it.
Maligned by academia (and later dismissed by no less a prominent thinker than Wittgenstein himself), Schopenhauer’s seminal work is available in two volumes by Dover-Thrift publications. It remains the complete fundamental exposition of his transcontinental philosophy, merging the values of the East with the impressions made by Western ideals as expressed through Schopenhauer’s imperishable aphorisms (next to Nietzsche, there is no better writer to be found in philosophy than Schopenhauer). A volume of Schopenhauer’s essays and aphorisms is available in the Penguin Classics line, and a collection entitled The Essential Schopenhauer: Key Selections from The World as Will and Representation and Other Writings is now available through Harper Perennial Modern Classics.
The Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant
Kant is the
most difficult of 18th century Western philosophers and system
builders, but his influence upon Western philosophy in the 19th
century is undeniable. This volume is frequently republished as it remains a
work of dire importance even now. Kant was the first Western thinker to awaken
from his “dogmatic slumbers” and realize that the position of consciousness in
man may not be as absolute as others once thought before him. Although a
typically conservative book by today’s standards (and by Kant’s—he wanted to
box up the minds of his era rather than turn them loose, creatively speaking),
the volume was so radical and controversial at the time that Kant’s reputation
(and academic standing) was immediately called into question. The text deals
with what we may term the threat posed by
the educated mind or, rather, what the dangers of the educated mind may
turn out to be. But it is Kant’s view of what humans can know through the
senses alone that distinguishes this text and makes it essential for
understanding Kant’s view of epistemology.

Darwin’s reputation has achieved mythical status in modern universities (and
has received both contempt and scorn by numerous groups, from the honest to the
intellectually dishonest), he initially suffered the pangs of misunderstanding
and cultural turmoil when his theoretical examination of the biological origins
of human and animal (and plant) life were first debuted for the public.
Although Darwin had lost his faith in any kind of literal religious belief, the
book itself is not an attack upon such traditional dogmas, but rather a
travelogue of ideas about the nature of biological development and the
evolutionary branches of life. The story of Darwin’s thought does come with the
equipment of the 19th century view of race, so be aware of this
context as you read. Illustrated versions of the original work are available,
but the preferred edition is still the Penguin Classics text edited by William
Will Durant
was a writer with a populist vision of the library and of philosophical ideas
in general, and this volume proves, through its many excavations of the
biographies of the major Western philosophers, that philosophy is a subject for
readers and not mere logicians (unlike modern academics, Durant does not
discount nor exclude the life and thought of Schopenhauer). Biographies of
Spinoza, Bacon, Bergson, Russell, and even Dewey make this literate but
accessible edition a must for anyone interested in learning about the men who
created the foundations of philosophy.
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