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Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Our Favorite Books of 2015

Posted by Staff

Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky (Zach H.) The story and characters are so interesting and well-written. It's easily one of the best sci-fi stories I've read.

Every Last Word by Tamara Ireland Stone (Kelcey H.) I really related to the main character, Sam. This book touched on some serious topics (anxiety, depression, OCD) but it was done well. The poetry in this book was beautiful and make you want to write. It was an all around phenomenal book that almost anyone can relate to.

Leaving Time by Jodie Picoult (Leslie A.) This story about grief and unanswered questions was very moving and had an interesting twist. Lots of info about elephants!

The Wicked and the Divine by Kieron Gillen (Evan E.) Every 90 years a group of twelve young people discover they are the reincarnated living vesseles of one of the many gods/goddesses from all cultures. They have two years to live as humans before they die. I thought this was really cool.

Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (Megan J.) A book that defies typical genres (fan fiction of an already fictional series?) Carry On is a hilarious and lovely I-hate-you-but-I-love-you romance between "The Chosen One" and his roommate/arch-enemy/possible vampire. This was yet another great squeal-inducing novel from the awesome Rainbow Rowell.

Invisible City by Julie Dahl (Joyce D.) A debut book, it explores both the world of the contemporary NY Hasidic community and how it and the NYPD interact.

Rat Queens by Kurtis J Wiebe (Devin G.) An incredibly fun read about an all female group of mercenaries. All the joy and adventure of an RPG but in book form.

Tsar of Love and Techno by Anthony Marra (Jill S.) Don't be put off by the fact that this book is labeled as short stories. It is a beautifully written moving story set in Russia featuring a cast of remarkable characters you won't forget.

Library at Mont Char by Scott Hawkins (Amanda E.) This was recommended to me by another staff member. An original fantasy story slightly reminiscent of a Neil Gaimon novel.

My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry by Fredrick Backman (Katherine R.) A wonderful story that blends reality with an imaginary world shared with a young girl by her Grandmother. After her Grandmother's death, the young girl meets an amazing group of people when she delivers letters to them at her Grandmother's request. Backman's characters are unforgettable!

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