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Friday, September 30, 2016

Celebrating 20 Years: Lorraine L.

Posted by Staff

If you have spent any amount of time in the library during a weekday morning, you have probably seen Lorraine meticulously putting books away; organizing the newspapers and magazines; distributing that day’s mail; or another of a hundred small tasks that she accomplishes daily.  Lorraine is the first to let us know if a problem is about to arise in the collection.  She knows the secrets of the library and is familiar with every nook and cranny.  
There is no way to completely articulate how important her dedication and service have been to the library for the past 20 years or how much she is valued by her co-workers and the community. We have been blessed to have her for so long and we hope to have her for another 20 years.
Thank you Lorraine for everything you do for us, every day.

Below is a questionnaire that Lorraine recently filled out. We hope it will give you chance to get to know her better!

In what part of the library do you work and what do you do?
So many things and all over the adult sections.

What has changed the most since you started working here?
The quantity of books coming in and out

What has kept you working at the library?
The people I work with and the people who come into the library have kept me working here. I have made many friends.

If you could have coffee with any author, who would you choose?
Sandra Brown

What is your favorite book that you've read in the past year?
Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

What is first book you remember reading?
Little Women

Do you have a favorite book genre?
Romantic Suspense

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