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Friday, November 25, 2016

Meet the Staff: Jake S.

Posted by Katherine R.
How long have you worked at the library?  About a month

How many items do you have checked out right now?  6

How many items are on your hold list? 1 

What book can you read again and again without losing interest? Why do you still read it? 
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. It is my favorite novel. It is so powerful and moving. The story has such depth and emotion that I cannot be helped but moved by it. 

If you were a literary character, who would you be and why? 
I always identified with characters like the Fairy Godmother & Blue Fairie. I have always wanted to help people & help make their dreams come true.  

What aspects of the library do you think are underutilized? 
The genealogy department does not get as much attention as it deserves.
What is your favorite book format (book, audio, mp3, e-reader, etc.)?  
I prefer having a physical book in my hands. 

What is your favorite aspect of working at the library?  
Working with my wonderful co-workers. 

What is your guilty reading (or listening) pleasure? 
The Twilight series. I know they are not great novels but they are still very enjoyable reads.

What books do you feel guilty for not having read?  Lord of the Rings. I have started it several times but never made it past halfway into Fellowship. It’s wonderfully well written but is somewhat arduous to get through. It is so detailed that it almost reads like a history textbook. 

What is your perfect reading environment? 
A large grand library while sitting in a huge leather armchair in front of a roaring fire. 

If you were stranded on a desert island, what single genre of books would you want with you? 
Fantasy Novels
What was your favorite children’s book when you were a child? What is your favorite children’s book now? 
While there were many that I loved Harry Potter was and is still my favorite children’s series. 

Before you worked here, what was your worst library transgression?
Returning books late.

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