Posted by patron and guest blogger Alana T.
Like many Americans, my heart has been captured by the
BBC/PBS series, The Great British Baking Show.
I love the cooking, the cheerful contestants and the supportive,
friendly competition. After watching a
few seasons, I still had questions about many of the "bakes;" for
example, what is a hot water crust? Food
traditions and terms are different on the other side of the pond, and it is
taken for granted that everyone knows what a traybake or a sponge is (i.e. bar
cookies and cakes). I figured that, based on the success of the show, there
must be an accompanying cookbook, and therein I would find my answers. Well, the Brits are different, so no book
till last year. The two expert bakers of
the show, Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood (yes, their real names!) have also each
produced a cookbook. I found another recent book on British cooking that covers
traditional recipes, and have included it in this review.
The Great British Bakeoff: Big Book of Baking was written for a British audience, so there are terms and types of foods that will be unfamiliar to the reader. The book contains recipes from show contestants and a few from the each of the hosts. Unlike many American baking books, there are a lot of savory baked goods. One note of caution: the book uses the metric system, so you have to do a little math to get ingredients ready. I tried the Farthing Biscuits (butter crackers), Cheese, Ham & Chive Tart and the Irish Brack (a quick bread flavored with black tea and dried fruits). Everything was pretty darn good. This cookbook is recommended to fans of the show and general baking enthusiasts.

Paul Hollywoods' book (British Baking) is a step above the previous two. The author grew up working at his Dad's bakery and has decades of experience. He pours his knowledge and love of cooking into his book, and it shows. Recipes are organized by region, each of which gets its own introductory culinary history lesson. Individual recipes have thorough descriptions, and for those requiring unique or unusual methodology, an extended series of how-to photographs. The diversity of baked goods is impressive, from large loaves of bread to tiny fairy cakes. There are plenty of sweet things throughout, but also a healthy dose of savories, including meat pies. Well, maybe not healthy... most call for sausage, ham, bacon, cheese and lard, or a dangerous combination thereof.
Fidget Pie (ham, apple and onion) was a perfect fall dinner. The Sussux Churdles (petite liver and bacon tarts) were superb. The stunner was the Pond Pudding. First an explanation: Americans aren't familiar with British pudding. You're probably thinking of a milk-based, custardy thing. Over there, a pudding is barely sweet, usually steamed, and almost always served with a fruit sauce. The texture is somewhat like a soft, moist quick-bread /pie crust combo. I tried a few recipes and none were keepers... except Pond Pudding. Who would think to make a pastry-like crust, line a bowl with it, plop in a whole lemon, a stick of butter and some brown sugar, then steam the whole ensemble? An amazing British cook, that's who! To serve, you unmold the pudding, then cut into it, revealing the softened lemon as the rich sauce pours out. Visually stunning and really, really delicious. I recommend this book to bakers who want to increase their repertoire and those interested in British cooking.

If you are interested in British cooking, this is the book
for you. There are newer books covering the restaurant scene in London and
various well-known chefs, but I recommend The
Ploughman's Lunch instead. This is everyday cooking with simple ingredients
and straight-forward methods. There are enough interesting new recipes in the
baking sections to keep a baker happy, and all the iconic foods in the other
books are included here. After trying a selection of these recipes, you won't
think British food is tasteless or uncreative.
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