How many items are on your hold list? No current holds
If you were a literary character, who would you be and why?
I would be Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter Series. I love
her quick wit and style.
What aspects of the library do you think are underutilized?
The Genealogy Center
What is your favorite book format (book, audio, mp3, e-reader, etc.)?
Hard-Cover novels
The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan. The novel explores the relationships between immigrant mothers and American born daughters in a complex and caring manner.
If you were stranded on a desert island, what single genre of
books would you want with you?
What was your favorite children’s book when you were a child? What
is your favorite children’s book now? As
a child, my favorite book series was the Boxcar Children Mysteries. As an
adult, my favorite children’s book series is the Junie B. Jones
Discovering new book series and films.
What is your guilty reading (or listening)
The Number 1 Ladies Detective Agency
Series by Alexander McCall Smith
What books do you feel guilty for not having read?
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Have your reading habits changed since working at the library? If
so, how?
My reading habits have improved since I’ve been working at the
library. I have made a conscious effort to substitute television time for quiet
reading moments.
What is your perfect reading environment?
A quiet room with a glass of sweet tea.
Before you worked here, what was your worst library transgression?
the corners of pages in borrowed novels.
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