It's that special time again... Comicon! The staff are celebrating in spirit by posting some of their favorite reads from the past year. Libraries realize that comics and graphic novels are appreciated by wider audiences than ever before and are purchasing more and more collections. If it's been decades since you spent a dime on the latest Batman or your only experience with graphic novels is a TV or movie remake, it's time to visit the library. The genre is amazingly diverse; one can find romance, adventure, political commentary, and yes, lots of zombies and superheros. If you're just starting in this genre, jump over to some of our previous posts for more suggested reads.

Evan E. recommends:
The Runaways by Brian K. Vaughn. An interesting take on the origin of superheroes. The kids of supervillians decide not to follow in their parents footsteps and runaway, determined to make their own paths in life.
The Infinity Gauntlet by Jim Starlin. If you like The Avengers, try this series.
Alana T recommends:
Cardboard by Doug TenNapel. This is a sweet story about a dad down on his luck who only wants to give his son a great birthday present. Things go awry and magical problems snowball The story is designed for kids, but the appeal to all ages. The artwork is a good fit for the targeted age range, but may not appeal to those looking for more sophisticated options.
Lock and Key by Joe Hill. My favorite comic of the year. A classic, creepy story about a mysterious house, good versus evil, and a family trying to find their way. Joe Hill is a great story teller (he's Steven King's son) and if you haven't read any of this other books, give those a try, too. His foray into the comics world is a definite success.
Sailor Twain Or The Mermaid In The Hudson by Mark Siegel. I had mixed feelings about this one. I really like the story, but not the artwork. It was just too... cartoony. The imagery didn't link with the romantic and adventurous theme of the story. Give it a try and see what you think.
Jacob D. recommends:
Building Stories by Chris Ware. Pushing the limits of what a graphic novel can be (and do), this collection of emotional stories is presented in 3-d, hands-on fashion. This book literally must be seen to be believed.
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